Before I had those wonderful chickens it was almost my birthday and when it WAS my birthday we had a bee hive removed. Once it was gone we went inside and opened presents, I got parakeet treats, a book, and other things. Then I noticed I got a bag of meal worms, I looked confused and then I pulled out a bag of chick feed and I hoped I knew where this was going.
My Mom said that I was going to be able to get bantams the next day! I was so happy to hear that and I jumped from my chair and hugged my parents.
The next morning we went to the feed store and instead of getting five bantam chicks like I had promised, I got
one standard Wyandotte, one standard Barred Rock, one Pekin bantam, three Sultan bantams, three brahma bantams, and one silkie bantam. They were all SOOOOO adorable and I happily and slowly walked out with the big box of chicks.
And then I decided I wanted to breed bantams, so, that's what I planned and I made a blog for my bantams. is the website for my bantams and I hope you check it out!