Anyway, today was quite the experience! I have been waiting for babies for 33 days now from Holly. I was absolutely sure she was pregnant, either that or her guts were supposedly kicking. I got up this morning, with a "feeling" that she had babies. I went out to the barn to find a pile of fur, not moving. I checked it out, while Holly was going frantic for some odd reason. Sighing, I walked away with no signs of any babies. I thought that was odd, because usually you will find babies if they have pulled fur. Well, not this little lady. First she goes over her due date, and now she does this? Gah!
Well, I decided I would sit and watch her because, I mean gosh, I have nothing better to do.... So, here I sit staring at a bunny who is doing nothing but pulling fur. I knew it would be soon, because she had about a boatload full of fur in that nest and was apparently pulling more. Key word: apparently. I watch closer, and lo and behold, she is licking "down there" and grunting. Hmmmm...