Anyway, I checked on the bunnies, and Holly was being her cute little self running around. I opened up the nest, to find three healthy, fat, little kits. Yippee! Holly is such a good first-time mom! Usually first litters are a total loss, but this little momma bunny is very determined to keep her babies safe and healthy. I am also excited to see what they turn out to look like. They are all spotted or "broken". One is white/black, one is white/dark grey, and the other one is white/light grey. They are all adorable. Two of them especially are super sweeeeet though. I know they are so little and it sounds silly to say that, but I will pet them on their little foreheads and they just stop moving. They put their little heads on the ground and just pause. It is the cutest thing! I am so happy to see them doing so well! I am sorry I did not put photos up yesterday, weebly was (and still is) giving me a hard time. I suppose I will try again tomorrow.